DAGA 2009
DAGA 2009 – DEGA recommendation 103 “sound insulation in the housebuilding – sound insulation identity card“
The German society for acoustics has published the DEGA recommendation 103 “sound insulation in the housebuilding – sound insulation identity card“. The two main targets of the DEGA recommendation 103 are:
) | creating a multi-level system for the differentiated designing and marking of the structural sound insulation between room-situations regardless of the kind of the building |
) | developing a classification system on this basis for the simple marking of the sound insulation performance of whole housing units or buildings |
The introduction of a multi-level requirement- and assessment-system is meaningful and necessary for a clear differentiation and evaluation of the sound-related quality of buildings. The system is co-ordinated with the today usual building methods and with the today’s build-up-obviously introduced minimum requirements according to DIN 4109. A differentiated and practical classification is possible by the organization into altogether 7 levels both for new buildings and for the old building existence. Unfortunately, the identity values of the sound insulation are very badly clear for planners and users and badly to understand. With the “DEGA sound-insulation certificate” a simple system is given to mark the sound insulation. The user and the consumer can carry out high-class comparisons without deeper professional knowledge and make purchase decisions.